Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Brown Rice with Toasted Almonds and Parsley

This is a main staple at our house.... It is a way to accent the nuttiness of brown rice and make it irresistible. When you add nuts to anything it becomes irresistible to me. THE TRICK: USE SHORT GRAIN BROWN RICE, people!! You don't need to cook brown rice for the ridiculous 45 minutes when you use my method with short grain!

This will change your life.... But be warned...doubling this recipe will increase your cook time.

1 veggie bouillon cube
1 1/2 cup water
1 cup SHORT GRAIN brown rice
1 garlic clove
1 cup toasted and chopped almonds, chopped fine
1/2 cup chopped Italian flat leaf parsley
Salt and pepper

Bring the 1 1/2 cup water to boil with the veggie bouillon cube in there. Once at a boil, salt your water some. Add the rice and a whole garlic clove. Cover, bring the heat to low, and wait for 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, the visible water should be evaporated. Turn off your heat and let the pan sit. This is the steaming phase of your cooking.

SIDE NOTE: So - you SHOULD let it sit. I feel that it is already quite cooked at this point and only allow it to sit for about 5 minutes since I am so anxious. You MAY run into it being quite moist since you havent allowed ample time for steamage. I feel that it is fine. Just a side note...

Once cooked, toss in your toasted almonds and parsley and reseason with s and p. Mmmmmm

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