Monday, June 8, 2009

Perfect Brown Rice Every Time...

Rice has been my nemesis for quite a long time....but I am fortunate enough to do good internet searches.  I came across this idea a while ago at Saveur Magazine site, and it planted the seed for a great base.  Like most all internet recipes I found, it took a little tweaking - and now it works for me! So, likely you will need to do the same to my recipe to make it work perfectly for you :) 

You need:
Brown Long Grain Rice
A strainer
A large pot with a lid

For every 1 cup of dry rice, place 4 cups of water in the large pot.  2 cups rice to 8 cups water, etc.  Rinse the rice REALLY well....for at least 30 seconds, passing your hand through the rice to make sure that it has all been covered.  This takes out the extra starch, and is very important.
Bring that water to a boil.  Once it boils, add the rice to the water.  Reduce the heat to MEDIUM and boil UNCOVERED for another 30 minutes.  Next, STRAIN the rice and RETURN it to the pot and put the lid on.  Reduce the heat to the LOW setting and let the rice STEAM until the remainder of the rice has evaporated.  SALT to taste and SERVE!!

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